Tuesday, August 19, 2008

graphic novel ideas

It is a city like Seattle in late fall, quite dreary and slightly rainy. A man takes his wife into an alley after having a loud argument with her. The argument continues for a minute or two until a slam against a garbage can, and by the screams of it, the wife is the one who fell.

H: God-fucking dammit! (his face in a repressed and disappointed expression, looking down on the ground)
W: Quiet, people are sleeping, most people don't approve of that kind of language, especially at night.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Our Globe is Warming

Make the skies bluer
than they were before
Lets treat the earth
that gave birth to us
lets restore our atmosphere

I look up and see
-the tall evergreens
in backyards, front yards
-surrounding buildings
I wonder how old
-they all are
How long have they been here?
-standing tall
trying to reach the more sun
-giving all these mammals
-and reptiles the oxygen
we all require to survive

I wish we were more
-like Rome
with so much tradition
-honoring our supreme leader
now thats a rank noble
-of a Roman-American

We could glorify ourselves
-in isolation
making it a glorious 21st century
-Golden age Rome
How blessed we would be
-bathing in community bathes
-building aqueducts
-and beautiful houses
-on the mediterranean coast

Our Rome will be marvelous
-we will sack neighboring
-colonies with impunity

To put it simply,
lying protects me
-from the exhaustion
-the discomfort
-and the embarasment
make the skies bluer cadets
purify the water
lets restore our atmosphere
Hate & Love, very close? Well they are on different spectrums of the same basic feeling. You hate passionately and love passionately, and sometimes when someone hates another person, it can turn into love or liking that person. As the reader well knows, say a girl makes fun of a guy or is nasty or inconsiderate to him, that can sometimes (of course not always) mean that girl likes the boy. In the past of my life, say lets focus on high school, there were a group of girls who made fun of me but I think that was because they kind of liked because later they would talk to me an inquire how I was doing. The complex actually has more relevance of making friends, in non-romantic and non-sexual ways. Two of my best friends that I have had in my life first begun in an antagonistic manner, with him and someone else being a kind of bully to me but after a few months (the first one) and a few years for the second one.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My dues

I owe a debt to Franz Kafka as do Philip Roth and Milas Kundera. His groundbreaking plot-lines opened another literary world, one of uncharted territory still being explored today. I worry that my story ideas are too kafkaesque and I should find other plot lines and structure if a story collection is to be complete. Other ideas that could turn into stories that I have interest in are Destiny, military history, science fiction, poetry, honor, westerns.

No Title

In my shorts the rain was coming down
heavier and louder
and harder

Under the trees
I started losing hope
of ever seeing the SUV
appear up the road

Instead the rain-forest
started to hypnotize me
into a dreamy state
where I hated nature and
especially the weak trees