Thursday, February 07, 2008

Hate & Love, very close? Well they are on different spectrums of the same basic feeling. You hate passionately and love passionately, and sometimes when someone hates another person, it can turn into love or liking that person. As the reader well knows, say a girl makes fun of a guy or is nasty or inconsiderate to him, that can sometimes (of course not always) mean that girl likes the boy. In the past of my life, say lets focus on high school, there were a group of girls who made fun of me but I think that was because they kind of liked because later they would talk to me an inquire how I was doing. The complex actually has more relevance of making friends, in non-romantic and non-sexual ways. Two of my best friends that I have had in my life first begun in an antagonistic manner, with him and someone else being a kind of bully to me but after a few months (the first one) and a few years for the second one.

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