Saturday, June 16, 2007

Oh My Poor Mariners, Home Sick they are!

Heres a qoute from Mariners first basemen "We have been on the road a lot, and maybe guys are [tired] at this point. "We've had two tough road trips this month," he said, referring to the current four-city trek that ends Sunday afternoon and an earlier 10-game journey through four cities and three time zones. "We have been on the road a lot, and maybe guys are [tired] at this point." Damn right my man. THEY WANT TO SEE THEIR FUCKING FAMILIES! Baseball is a peculiar sport as these players sometimes have no time to get back into reality, what truly matters. When these unfortunate incedents happen, a much needed break needs to be scheluded somewhere. I realize they are being paid a fortune but on the backs of many a poor Seattle person they are riding on, and they matter too, perhaps most.

It was unfair what happened with all those delays in Cleveland and Boston, etc. However I have noticed both teams [Indians and Mariners] excel since that "breaking" point. Struggle makes an impressive group of guys more powerful. I hope that someone reads this "article" because I want them to know that I have faith, I really do. I will have faith until the day I die. Like my out-of-state friend said that I have "Seattle vibe" and damn fucking right I do. I want these hard fighting boys to know that I BELIEVE IN THEM no matter what. Keep on battlin' my friends, I'll be watching.

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