Friday, June 15, 2007

Superstition and losing streaks

So the Seattle Mariners are on a losing streak, again. I say again because last year when I went on holiday to the East, they embarked upon a losing that effectively ended their season. Before I left they were still in reasonable contention and whenever I had access to wireless internet I would check their progress. However, for nearly two weeks after my debarkation all I would see as I gained access to the Information superhighway were losses. Checking the box scores I would nod my head in disappointment. 
I am not a very superstitious person by nature but due to these latest developments, I am beginning to have my doubts. My mother is very superstitious, probably due to her South Carolinian upbringing so growing up around her I would notice her idiosyncrasies, from not wanting to drive across a stretch of road if she saw a black cat cross it to knocking on wood whenever someone said something they didn't actually want to happen. Now with these losing streaks coinciding with my departure from Seattle I am rethinking all of this. Not that I'm going to become a neurotic about black cats or anything but I'm starting to think there might be something to it after all. When something you care about a lot is all of a sudden not being as successful as they were, anyone can begin to have doubts.

The night I left the Mariners won against the Cubs in extra innings in Chicago and they then lost the next two games. I thought it might just be a fluke since the Cubs are hot right now, ever since Lou's choreographed outburst, and won against the Padres which are one of the top teams in baseball currently. So I thought things would turn around when the Mariners faced the Astros tonight, unfortunately they did not, losing to a bad team and our so-called ace King Felix blew another game. He has a 6.00 ERA since coming of the DL, are those ace numbers? 

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