Thursday, November 15, 2007

The revolution failed Abby
It has bitten the dust
Another one Bites the Dust
Another one...Another one
Another one Bites the Dust
Whatever happened to JFK and MILK?
Or you Abby, and Timothy Leary?
Can you not still accomplish things
behind bars?

Mental Health

I just read an article in the Christian Science Monitor () about the rising mental health problems that are currently attacking China. A reason for this is the fast progress being experienced by China for the last 20 years or so. This reminds of people directly after WWII believing they have seen UFOs. Though when these reports were read they were strikingly similar to the futuristic aircraft of WWII. So in the deeper parts of the US people very unfamiliar to the planes thought they were UFOs.

So with the quick advancement of China, mental health knocked, claiming primarily women with a ratio of 8:2. The reason for the problems with women in China is stress because men are grown up to repress their emotions and not show weakness. The biggest rate of suicide in the world is China, especially women between the ages of 15 and 34, with the visual above being a woman attempting to jump of a bridge with her best friend talking her out of it.

Source: >

Monday, November 12, 2007


Hell on wheels
Hell on earth
Breath the fire

of that wood on earth
let that wood burn
from the wildfires I started
Its no time to feel pity
or sympathies
Its rather time, however
for ducking
and dodging

And spliting the spines
Of the pines
My black one
Though art not luminous
Yet an altar of jewels
An altar of shimmering jewels,
Would pale in the light
Of thy darkness
Pale in the light
Of they nightness

-Langston Hughes

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Its time for me to depart
to the countryside
and reclaim the calm
cool & collected

try not to worry dear
your Judgments
cannot affect me ----
for that relationship
is Decaying
with everything else

my background in theatre
comprising of nothing
from my Black Hole in the Sun
don't let English dominate you
speak, speak...Speak!
in those romance languages
in those strange dialects
of the Global Village

where is the white men section
in bookstores?
I see women's studies
African-American studies
Hispanic, Asian, Pacific
but where is the section
that concerns me?

The Battle of Timers?

Hitting is like life
usually you lose
and only get it right
thirty three percent of the time
if your lucky
some go all for it
and tally up the K's
others more conservative
preferring contact over power
but when your timing is on
nothing is sweeter

what have I done in past lives
to deserve this?
was I Napoleon
or Stalin?
Nixon and the Bush's or
Hitler and Mussolini?

Monday, November 05, 2007


Suicide note draft

I have departed
hopefully to nothing
if possible I want to be cremated
and spread across the Atlantic Ocean
from whence my ancestors crossed
to reach here
I've been given the burden of life
something I didn't ask for
I've been given the burden of ending my life
something I didn't want to be given
however my burden will end
leaving only yours
I don want to sound inconsiderate
but that will end all the burdens that I have
these problems are no longer mine
they are yours
this is what I wanted, a cease
seeing faces in the ceiling
it put a smile on my face
thinking how wonderful it would be
not to see them anymore
to put an end to whatever horrors
are over the horizon
to languish in others frowns
to not know how anyone would react
for these is the rub
darkness will end
hopefully it will all end and I never come back
in any fucking form
the soul will decay
having passed on nothing of its horror
it will all decompose
from whence it came
leaving no traces
but simpler life emerging
doing it best to reach the sun
on second thought,
just throw my body into the woods
I plan on burning everything of mine
little by little so no one will notice
leaving no traces of my existence
only memories that will fade
and eventually those would end
like generations before
that were forgotten
only completing the cycle of life
you may call it cheating
but what the fuck do I care
I'm dead
-June 2007


God I hate my life
I took a Zydone but
don't have enough
for all day
what will I do?
don't have booze
don't have pot
don't have caffeine
don't have anymore pills

If only I died
it could be so nice
it would be so great
to die and never see
another sunset or
another dawn
death begets blankness
nothingness, zero
the history of 0
speaks to history
no reincarnation
no soul exists
no where to go
no where to be seen
but down here on
the dead, cold earth
I hope to see black
I want to cringe my hair out
pull it out
hit my fists against concrete
and my head
against wood
I don't want to be buried
or cremated
but left to rot in the ground
never to come back
Heaven wouldn't do
Limbo wouldn't do
Hell wouldn't help
none of these will help
if my existence continues
like my brother
I have an eccentricity
tapping my foot on the floor
maybe its nervousness
or depression
or both
fall has greeted me coldly
like a slap on the face
its not giving me a fair chance
to keep things balanced
the median is non-existent
my ultimate goal
my current goal
my soon to be real goal
my hopefully eventual goal
-October 2007

I'm gonna join the military, see you in hell
-Will Kudner