Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Its time for me to depart
to the countryside
and reclaim the calm
cool & collected

try not to worry dear
your Judgments
cannot affect me ----
for that relationship
is Decaying
with everything else

my background in theatre
comprising of nothing
from my Black Hole in the Sun
don't let English dominate you
speak, speak...Speak!
in those romance languages
in those strange dialects
of the Global Village

where is the white men section
in bookstores?
I see women's studies
African-American studies
Hispanic, Asian, Pacific
but where is the section
that concerns me?

The Battle of Timers?

Hitting is like life
usually you lose
and only get it right
thirty three percent of the time
if your lucky
some go all for it
and tally up the K's
others more conservative
preferring contact over power
but when your timing is on
nothing is sweeter

what have I done in past lives
to deserve this?
was I Napoleon
or Stalin?
Nixon and the Bush's or
Hitler and Mussolini?

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