Tuesday, August 19, 2008

graphic novel ideas

It is a city like Seattle in late fall, quite dreary and slightly rainy. A man takes his wife into an alley after having a loud argument with her. The argument continues for a minute or two until a slam against a garbage can, and by the screams of it, the wife is the one who fell.

H: God-fucking dammit! (his face in a repressed and disappointed expression, looking down on the ground)
W: Quiet, people are sleeping, most people don't approve of that kind of language, especially at night.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Our Globe is Warming

Make the skies bluer
than they were before
Lets treat the earth
that gave birth to us
lets restore our atmosphere

I look up and see
-the tall evergreens
in backyards, front yards
-surrounding buildings
I wonder how old
-they all are
How long have they been here?
-standing tall
trying to reach the more sun
-giving all these mammals
-and reptiles the oxygen
we all require to survive

I wish we were more
-like Rome
with so much tradition
-honoring our supreme leader
now thats a rank noble
-of a Roman-American

We could glorify ourselves
-in isolation
making it a glorious 21st century
-Golden age Rome
How blessed we would be
-bathing in community bathes
-building aqueducts
-and beautiful houses
-on the mediterranean coast

Our Rome will be marvelous
-we will sack neighboring
-colonies with impunity

To put it simply,
lying protects me
-from the exhaustion
-the discomfort
-and the embarasment
make the skies bluer cadets
purify the water
lets restore our atmosphere
Hate & Love, very close? Well they are on different spectrums of the same basic feeling. You hate passionately and love passionately, and sometimes when someone hates another person, it can turn into love or liking that person. As the reader well knows, say a girl makes fun of a guy or is nasty or inconsiderate to him, that can sometimes (of course not always) mean that girl likes the boy. In the past of my life, say lets focus on high school, there were a group of girls who made fun of me but I think that was because they kind of liked because later they would talk to me an inquire how I was doing. The complex actually has more relevance of making friends, in non-romantic and non-sexual ways. Two of my best friends that I have had in my life first begun in an antagonistic manner, with him and someone else being a kind of bully to me but after a few months (the first one) and a few years for the second one.

Monday, January 21, 2008

My dues

I owe a debt to Franz Kafka as do Philip Roth and Milas Kundera. His groundbreaking plot-lines opened another literary world, one of uncharted territory still being explored today. I worry that my story ideas are too kafkaesque and I should find other plot lines and structure if a story collection is to be complete. Other ideas that could turn into stories that I have interest in are Destiny, military history, science fiction, poetry, honor, westerns.

No Title

In my shorts the rain was coming down
heavier and louder
and harder

Under the trees
I started losing hope
of ever seeing the SUV
appear up the road

Instead the rain-forest
started to hypnotize me
into a dreamy state
where I hated nature and
especially the weak trees

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The one about the terrorist...

"Don't forget Yosuf, you will be rewarded in the afterlife, have no fear, have faith, you control your own destiny," said emphatically his superior officer.
"Thank you grand-master, I will not let you down, I am blessed to carry out this mission in the name of Muhammad."
It was blistering hot outside, when they exited the house it him like a punch in the face, but these Muslim men have grown accustomed to it. Yosuf was the first one to leave, as his mission was undergone and he wanted to begin preparation immediately, he felt he shouldn't waste time. Others left after him but the grand-master and some of his assistants and those right behind him in rank stayed with him. Leaving amongst the crowd Yosuf believed, naturally, that they followed but because he wasn't thinking about it at the time, he didn't notice they were not.
Back in the house, Taimour approached the grand-master bearing a nasty looking grin and a snooty attitude (but those who desire the ___ ear must be in control of their emotions.)
"Sir, I have concerns"
"Of course you do, that is because you a dedicated and holy man"
"Well," continued Taimour, "I have been noticing lately that Yosuf is losing his sense of purpose, losing sight of his objectives and I worry he is not as completely dedicated as the others, I don't want to make any quick judgments or stir trouble but this mission is too important to have a skeptic among them."
"I agree Taimour about the importance of this mission, including the reliability of the men who have been chosen to carry it through but I'm afraid I have not noticed that about Yosuf, he is a good man and I believe he will carry out his deed."
"Yes, sir, I understand your ability to judge the character of men and women, something I would not be able to do with my youth but I'm just saying, worst-case scenario that we should keep a close eye on him."
"We keep close of all those who have been chose."
"But maybe we should pay extra attention to Yosuf, as he is one of the keys, one of the pilots."
"I will take your suggestions under consideration and for the time I will order a closer watch but we should not hold these beliefs among our own, we must be united."
"Yes, grand-master, I will abide," concluded Taimour.


The military is all hyped about UAV's right now and one of my favorite potential ideas to reach full-speed in the future, I am looking forward to it. I will love to see UAV's flying with manned aircraft and one of my ideas is to store UAV's in the manned jets and the pilot has the ability to release and tell them where to ago. We need to require them to be automatic for this type of shit but if that happened around now either the pilot or a operator back at base. I would want the aircraft to have perhaps a cannon and quality firing system. Of course GPS, infrared and multiple camera angle to get a good look. Already it is understood that UAV's can travel at much higher supersonics that men can handle. So I guess it could be possible for UAV's to be launched in one corner of the world, any corner of the world and can attack or perform round the clock surveillance to support troops on the ground. This also gives the possibility in the future of a UAV's spaceship to travel to new worlds. The potential excites my imagination and gives something, at least one, to look forward to in the future. I should make some designs for a few side-views of a jet with these features attached. First off I need to do research about the shape of and basic design of UAV's, maybe the F-35 Raptor or an Apache Longbow but I don't think a helicopter would be able to store them on the vehicle, perhaps small ones but how do you design a weapon to be installed on such a small UAV. Perhaps you can put a cannon that can be put out underneath the "cockpit" which can be operated for the doors to be opened and closed. All this naturally will be automated or controlled by the pilot or someone back at base. The wings will be collapsable for better installing. Unlike Leonardo I don't really have an ethical problem with building weapons so I can be as destructive and evil as my imagination allows me. Especially in the modern warfare world where all sorts of destructive technologies exist to be taken advantage of by the destructive potential of imagination. I live to feel modern power in all forms. Watching the Military Channel after I watched all that was available On Demand I pity myself.
It would be ideal to stock a number of various types of UAV's onto a fighter jet, like a few for reconnaissance and a few for attacking. I should get a job designing military and industrial aircraft for Boeing or Lockheed Martin. But of course a problem occurs about the amount of space available on the aircraft when the factor of a vast array of JDAM's and other missiles comes into play. Thats what they say, you can't have everything you want.

Why Am I Here?

First off, my european ancestors were looking for a better life, which happened to be the case at the time (15/16th century), my others (paternal) came from Czechoslovakia in the early 20th century. Since then, things have changed. My maternal is what I will be discussing since it goes back further and in particular my male blood line. My great-grandfather shot himself in the head with a shotgun, my grandfather came home from work and drank and watched Baseball in the dark in the living room or in his bedroom, my uncle has mild ______, and I, I have stopped caring.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The revolution failed Abby
It has bitten the dust
Another one Bites the Dust
Another one...Another one
Another one Bites the Dust
Whatever happened to JFK and MILK?
Or you Abby, and Timothy Leary?
Can you not still accomplish things
behind bars?

Mental Health

I just read an article in the Christian Science Monitor () about the rising mental health problems that are currently attacking China. A reason for this is the fast progress being experienced by China for the last 20 years or so. This reminds of people directly after WWII believing they have seen UFOs. Though when these reports were read they were strikingly similar to the futuristic aircraft of WWII. So in the deeper parts of the US people very unfamiliar to the planes thought they were UFOs.

So with the quick advancement of China, mental health knocked, claiming primarily women with a ratio of 8:2. The reason for the problems with women in China is stress because men are grown up to repress their emotions and not show weakness. The biggest rate of suicide in the world is China, especially women between the ages of 15 and 34, with the visual above being a woman attempting to jump of a bridge with her best friend talking her out of it.

Source: >http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/1113/p06s01-woap.html.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Hell on wheels
Hell on earth
Breath the fire

of that wood on earth
let that wood burn
from the wildfires I started
Its no time to feel pity
or sympathies
Its rather time, however
for ducking
and dodging

And spliting the spines
Of the pines
My black one
Though art not luminous
Yet an altar of jewels
An altar of shimmering jewels,
Would pale in the light
Of thy darkness
Pale in the light
Of they nightness

-Langston Hughes

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Its time for me to depart
to the countryside
and reclaim the calm
cool & collected

try not to worry dear
your Judgments
cannot affect me ----
for that relationship
is Decaying
with everything else

my background in theatre
comprising of nothing
from my Black Hole in the Sun
don't let English dominate you
speak, speak...Speak!
in those romance languages
in those strange dialects
of the Global Village

where is the white men section
in bookstores?
I see women's studies
African-American studies
Hispanic, Asian, Pacific
but where is the section
that concerns me?

The Battle of Timers?

Hitting is like life
usually you lose
and only get it right
thirty three percent of the time
if your lucky
some go all for it
and tally up the K's
others more conservative
preferring contact over power
but when your timing is on
nothing is sweeter

what have I done in past lives
to deserve this?
was I Napoleon
or Stalin?
Nixon and the Bush's or
Hitler and Mussolini?